Get Vela vs Listadum

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If you are reading this article, then you are probably looking for a solution to one of these problems:

  • Do you spend too much time creating and editing listings?
  • You have hundreds of listings and you struggle to easily change information like pricing in bulk?
  • Do you want to go beyond Etsy to post your listings on different platforms like Shopify?
  • Do you want an easy way to promote your listings on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram?

If any of this sounds familiar then read on!

In this article, we are going to evaluate Vela vs Listadum.

Evaluation criteria

How good are both platforms in terms of their bulk editing capabilities?

Do they enable you to promote your listings easily?

Do they have integrations with other e-commerce platforms?

What are the similarities and differences between the two platforms?

Listing editing capabilities

Can handle editing hundreds of listings efficiently in bulk mode?Yes, But no error messaging. So if something goes wrong, it is hard to detect.Yes, there is no error messaging here as well.
Ability to import CSV listings catalog.

Useful if you are trying to copy listings from one platform to another. Example: Shopify to Etsy
There is no automatic detection of fields. You have to manually map your columns to Vela or download their template and map before uploading.
Ability to Export CSV listings catalog

Useful if you are trying to copy listings from Etsy to another platform. Example: Etsy to Shopify
Autosync with EtsyNo. Vela syncs your listing every time you log inYes, Refreshed every day.
Alt Text for imagesVela allows you to edit alt text in bulk mode.

You can generate alt text for all images of your listings but Vela only allows you to generate alt text for 25 listings at a time.
No way to bulk edit Alt Text.

You can apply the listing title to all 10 images with one click or set the Title to be applied as alt text by default.
Bulk editing imagesVela allows you to edit images in bulk modeThere is no way to do this in Listadum right now.

Useful if you share the same information across listings. Like variation profile, images, etcMore on this below.
This is Vela’s most powerful feature. You can create Profiles for individual sections:PhotoVideoTitle DescriptionTagsDetailsPriceInventoryVariationsPersonalizationShippingDigital filesYes,
Variation profile which includes: CategoriesVariation properties PricingSKUQuantity

Use of Profiles:

Profiles are useful when you tend to share the same information across multiple listings. Example: Variation profile or pricing etc. They are useful when you want to edit multiple details in your listing section and do not want to go through the hassle of bulk editing them. Updating your profile will automatically update all the connected listings.

This feature is very useful if for example:

  • Update pricing for a single or all variations
  • Update quantity
  • Other important details like shipping policy, attributes, etc

With Vela, you can create several combinations of profiles since it lets you pick each section individually. You can create a listing profile if you select all sections and edit. You can also create profiles for just Tags or photos and apply it across all listings. This gives the user a lot more control

With Listadum, you can only edit variation profiles. Which in most cases is sufficient since it contains Categories, variations, pricing, SKU, and Quantity. But you will have to rely on bulk editing for the rest of the things like product description etc.

Similarities and differences

Image editing capabilities

Vela studio

This feature enables you to edit listing images and add interesting effects, banners, or text to your images. It is helpful if you are planning to run a sale and wane a sale banner on your image. Technically you can create your product images in Vela, although the capabilities are limited.

Listadum image scaler

If Listadum detects that your image is less than 2000×2000 px which is what Etsy recommends, then it gives you an option of making it bigger without losing the image quality.

Etsy-Specific Insights

Vela does not have any performance metrics or Listing quality metrics. For example: if you want to choose tags for your listings, you will have to do your keyword research with an external tool before you apply your changes

Listadum prioritizes listing analysis and optimization with details insights on keywords, titles, descriptions, and overall listing quality. Listadum generates a completion score based on Etsy seller handbook and e-commerce best practices along with recommendations on what to fix and how to fix the detected issues.

Cross-platform capabilities

Vela allows you to manage your Etsy and Shopify from the same interface. You can copy listings from Etsy to Shopify and vice-versa. However, you do need a separate Shopify subscription for Vela and the listings do not auto-sync to Shopify from Etsy.

Vela’s focus is to build cross-platform capabilities and bulk editing features for listing management.

Listadum does not have a cross-platform capability yet. You can only operate Etsy listings with Listadum.

Scheduled updates

Vela allows you to schedule your updates. For example, if you are planning to launch a sale in the future and you want to change your primary image, you can schedule this change to take effect as per your sale schedule.

Listadum does not have any way to schedule changes

Ability to promote your listings

No way to promote your listings on other platforms like Pinterest or Instagram. They seem to have discontinued this feature.

Listadum has integration with Pinterest. You can create pins for up to 5 images of your listing and measure views and clicks from within Listadum.

Market research tools

Keyword explorer: Listadum allows you to analyze and create keyword lists for easy use in your listings. Vela does not have this

Shop Explorer: You can track and analyze shops with Listadum. It allows you to track their sales and listings. Vela does not have this feature.


Vela starts from $10/month for up to 250 listings and can go up to $40/month for 7.5K-10K listings. There is no free tier available, however, you do get a 7-day free trial when you subscribe.

Listadum has a generous free tier. User can connect their shop and edit their listing based on their quality score. The paid plan starts from $15/month and is the same for any number of listings.

Who should use Vela?

Sellers managing listings across multiple marketplaces and need to quickly make bulk edits to large quantities of products

Those prioritizing fast updates and consistency across different platforms.

Who should use Listadum?

Etsy sellers who want to deeply analyze individual listings, optimize keywords, and understand how to improve the quality of their listings for better visibility

Sellers looking for detailed feedback on their listing based on Etsy best practices.


The two platforms are quite different except for their bulk editing features. While Vela focuses on efficiently editing listings across multiple platforms, Listadum is more focused on in-depth listing performance and quality metrics based on Etsy’s best practices.

Achieve your Etsy goals with Listadum

Explore how Listadum can help you and your shop succeed.

Improve your listings

We analyze your listings and help you optimize them based on the Etsy Seller Handbook and e-commerce best practices.

Manage your growing shop

We help you manage hundreds of listings with ease with powerful tools like bulk edit, the keyword explorer or listing templates.

Monitor your shop performance

We track your shop performance and give you insights to identify the listings you should double down on, and those that need attention.

Promote your listings outside of Etsy

We help you drive more traffic to your shop by publishing content outside of Etsy.

And more:

the shop critique tool generates reports about your store and recommendations on how to improve your listings

give access to your shop to your team

access multiple shops with a single login

Ready to dive in?

Start improving your shop today.

Connect your Etsy store to receive personalized recommendations to improve your shop and listings, get more views, and drive more sales.