Manage your shop better by giving access to your team members

As your Etsy shop expands, it becomes difficult for one person to manage a large shop. The teams feature allows you to give access to other members of your business for easier shop management without sharing your personal Etsy login.

Give access to team members to manage your shop
No more password sharing for Etsy login
Run your big Etsy shop like a pro with no limit on Team members

How it works

Access Team feature in Store settings

Click on shop settings to access the “Team” page. This page shows all the list of members associated with a shop and their defined roles. this page helps your add, edit or remove members for your shop.

Access Team feature in Store settings
Add unlimited members to your team

You can invite as many shop members as you like. Enter a valid email address and define the role when you add a user. You can choose between Admin or Member. An admin can add more members to the shop. Both admin and member can manage the shop equally.

Add unlimited members to your team

Looking for more?

Explore other useful ways that Listadum can help you become a successful Etsy seller.


Analyze your listings and improve them based on the Etsy Seller Handbook and e-commerce best practices.


Manage hundreds of listings with ease with powerful tools like bulk edit, the keyword explorer or listing templates.


Track your shop performance and identify listings to double down on, and listings that need attention.


Publish content outside of Etsy to gain visibility and drive more traffic to your listings.

And more:

the shop critique tool generates reports about your store and recommendations on how to improve your listings

give access to your shop to your team

access multiple shops with a single login

Ready to dive in?

Start improving your shop today.

Connect your Etsy store to receive personalized recommendations to improve your shop and listings, get more views, and drive more sales.