What can I do to improve my engagement score?

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In Listadum, the engagement score is a reflection of how buyers engage with your listings on Etsy. It shows how your listings ranks compared to other listings using the same category or the same tags.

Listadum Engagement Score

Although there is nothing you can do to directly improve the score besides making your product more attractive based on your listing and tags, here are a few things to explore:

  • better photos: assuming your listing shows up on the first page for your keywords (either organically or with ads), good photos is the biggest factor that determines if people are going to click (and generate a view) and potentially favorites
  • better titles: the first 22 characters of your titles are very important as this is what people see, there need to be no ambiguity as what you product is so that buyers don’t ignore the listing to click on a competiting one
  • better SEO: here tags matter for the engagement score, if your tags are not a good representation of your product (eg: too vague), or if your listings aren’t competing well enough on a saturated tag, you won’t be on the first page, and you won’t get the views/favorites, therefore not rank well for that tag in term of engagement compared to competing listings
  • ads: for listings that have a good conversion rate, this is a great way to bring views to a product that would otherwise be buried in the mass, once the product gets more engagement, it will naturally flow toward the first page of search results, reducing the need for ads

Overall, the engagement score is a lagging indicator to show if your efforts are paying.

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