Monitor your shop performance.
Track your shop performance and identify listings to double down on, and listings that need attention.
How it works
Get a pulse of your shop performance with integrated data from your shop, your listings. By seeing your engagement rates, conversion rates, daily views or favorite ratios, you can quickly identify your true top listings, and those who are not performing as well.

Get a sense of the demand and competition of each of your keywords at the listing level.

See how your listings perform in term of views and favorites compared to the average listing on Etsy based on your category and tags. This is a good indicator of how well your listings are performing.

See how your shop ranks against all other shops on Etsy. How far are you from the top 1%? How much more you need to do to become a top shop?

Looking for more?
Explore other useful ways that Listadum can help you become a successful Etsy seller.
We analyze your listings and help you optimize them based on the Etsy Seller Handbook and e-commerce best practices.
We help you manage hundreds of listings with ease with powerful tools like bulk edit, the keyword explorer or listing templates.
We track your shop performance and give you insights to identify the listings you should double down on, and those that need attention.
We help you drive more traffic to your shop by publishing content outside of Etsy.
And more:
the shop critique tool generates reports about your store and recommendations on how to improve your listings
give access to your shop to your team
access multiple shops with a single login
Ready to dive in?
Start improving your shop today.
Connect your Etsy store to receive personalized recommendations to improve your shop and listings, get more views, and drive more sales.